Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Joining the Ranks or How Peer Pressure Doesn't Just End in High School

Okay ... so I've joined the elite ranks of the bloggers. I figure, as with so many things in my life, I may well be the loser amongst the group ... the try hard who never quite pulls it off. (Yes, I bought into my parents' sensible -- read too cheap and practical to understand -- advice that your non-designer/label whatevers look just like everyone else's authentic whatevers). So here I am, trying to keep up with the Jones'.

Actually, the real reason why I'm doing this is because my dear friend has been blogging for quite some time and I have been visiting her site like some kind of a voyeuristic stalker. Constantly reading the posted items and the ensuing comments. I feel as though I'm old chums with Clumber Boy and Epicurean et al. But when I felt compelled to add in my own comment today on a matter near and dear to my heart (sex), I found out that I couldn't just hang out on the fringes any longer. I had to create a whole blogger username and title. I was exhausted from just thinking about that! Just shows you that I have zero ability when it comes to be being wildly creative and interesting. I also have no writing ability whatsoever. Well, that's not strictly true. I'm a master at putting together bitchy but overly polite technical letters for arbitration committees and the like. My days slugging away at a law firm during fourth year university were definitely not a complete waste. Or at least this is what I try to believe since the alternative is that I sold out to a bunch of soul sucking pack of scummy lawyers. (Sorry ... was that last descriptive comment an overly redundant one?)

Anyway, I digress. I admit I had a choice. After having created my blogger identity, I could have posted my comment and then just walked away and exercised my option of visiting my friend's site from time to time and posting the occasional comment. I guess, the immature and underdeveloped part of me (i.e. the majority of my "me-ness") would rather play the part of hapless powerless victim, so as to save face when I inevitably encounter blogger block and churn out meaningless incoherent and badly written crap.

Because boys and girls, the real truth is that I haven't grown up in any sense of the word. I just really want to jump into the ongoing game and play with all the other kids!


Snooze said...

And we want to play with you! Yay! Glad you're online.

EarthMother said...

Thanks Snooze. You're a true friend ... or a really great liar. Either way, I'll take the compliment!