Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Phew! Almost three weeks without internet ... how did I ever survive?

It's truly amazing how dependent we have become upon technology. Things like letter writing on paper and (gasp) mailing it via the postal system have just fallen by the wayside. I find I become frustrated and impatient when I discover that someone doesn't have email. You mean, I actually have to take time to post something to you and then wait for several days for a response?! And yet, I have an entire shoebox crammed with letters from friends and family members who wrote to me when I first moved away from home to go to university. This after about seven or eight address changes and more than a decade-and-a-half later. I actually schlepped them with me everytime I moved. The shoebox containing printed up emails? Empty. So much for sentimental and meaningful correspondence, so long as I get it today, or better yet, yesterday. It's all about speed now. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am.

Oddly, I missed blogging more than I thought I would. But did it occur to me to sit down and write out some of my thoughts? Of course not. That would just be so passe and anti-techno.

Let's face it ... we're going to hell in a handbasket. But so long as we can bring our IPods, laptops, cell phones and other gadgets along, I guess we won't much mind the journey.

1 comment:

Snooze said...

Glad you're back! I'm glad you don't write on paper because then I wouldn't be able to read your wonderful anecdotes.