Wednesday, July 27, 2005

It's Not All About You

It's an interesting experience, this whole blogging thing. I now understand what Snooze was always talking about re. the worry about censoring content, etc.

My earlier post vis-a-vis old boyfriends and lovers elicited a few reactions from some, none of which were anticipated. Obviously, the intent to simply detail how I've matured within the past decade-and-a-half fell flat in the face of some of the details about my amorous affairs.

In this particular case, a number of my ex-lovers suddenly contacted me, wanting to know if in fact they were the subject matter of my blog. One in particular, was very sweet, because he was really concerned that he'd put me through terrible emotional stress, and although he didn't remember doing this (duh -- maybe because he had always been a fabulous, considerate friend and lover, albeit with a shoddy memory bank), he was worried that it had somehow stuck with me through the years, and I was still nursing my wounds. Or maybe he was worried that I was going to make him pay for his past transgressions (even, I am not that evil).

Anyway, it's reassuring to know that people actually read my blog and pay attention. Please know however, that if I have an issue with you, it would be taken up privately with said person, and not aired openly for all bloggers to read.


Snooze said...

Okay, I can't get past the part where you mention all of your former lovers contacting you (well, not all, I do realize that...). All of mine hate me. I'm not in contact with a single one.

But you know, the funniest part is that I was wondering who you were referring to as well. I kept trying to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Sooo.... This time you ARE refering to me, right? :)
And BTW, just how many of us are there??!! LOL

EarthMother said...

Snooze: A bunch of my old lovers hate me, too, or at the very least have completely forgotten all about me. It's really more of a numbers game, I think. See while you were being nice girl and having all those long-term relationships, I was racking up the air mile points with my Man of the Month Club. In retrospect, I think your way was far better!

And btw, I'm sort of an ex-lover, aren't I? After all, I let you rub hot massage oil all over me. That's gotta count for something.

Sex Toy: So now you've gotten yourself a blogger identity huh? You realise of course that this is exactly how I got sucked into the vortex of the blogging world? Be careful ...! As for being abandoned, I don't think you did too badly ... it wasn't long before someone came along, picked you up from the side of the road, dusted you off and put you to good use! Lucky girl!

Lee said...

Honey, we love a little bit of sensation. Gossip away!