Sunday, September 11, 2005

Men with Big Heads

I clearly have a long way to go on the maturity spectrum.

Some people really get under my skin and I have to stop myself from trying to just slap them down. I'm thinking in particular, of the egotistical, self-assured males who speak in patronising and know-it-all tones. The males who are actually, not that bright, but in true ignorance-is-bliss fashion, fancy themselves as being more brilliant than a one-carat zircon Home Shopping Network ring.

Instead of just wanting to walk away with the satisfaction that I am a better person than they are (my mother's voice in my head again), I find myself tempted to linger and lure them into a conversation so I can just take them down a peg or two. Perverse and silly, no? Yes, I know.

I don't actually know why it is that men like this get my goat. And it is the men, not the women, who bug me. Some Freudian meaning there?

For the most part, in life, I'm happy to just go my own way and let others do and be whatever pleases them. In the case of these irritatingly smug and stupid men, I find myself wanting to prove to them just how dumb they really are. Of course, this will never be the case because my experience has been that truly stupid people are somehow secure in their delusions that they are the sharpest tack in the box. And why suddenly, do I have this sadistic desire to make them feel less than best about themselves?


Snooze said...

So darling, do share the irritating male story that prompted this post...

EarthMother said...

Ugh ... it's not so much a story, as a novella. I've just been dealing with far too many of these kind of men lately. And instead of spending time thinking about productive things like what I'm going to do with my life, I find myself going through fantasies of how best to cut their egos in half. But maybe my next blog will deal with more concrete examples of what I've experienced rather than just a general rant and rave session.

Snooze said...

As the saying goes, why bother going into a battle of wits against an unarmed man? Not worth it hon, although I so understand the temptation.

EarthMother said...

I know, I know ... Must walk away. Must not invite man over for sole purpose of engaging in a bitch slapping fest.