Sunday, October 09, 2005

Warm Fuzzy Feelings

Urp ... sitting here feeling somewhat like a beached whale after the big Thanksgiving smorgasbord. I'm somewhat exhausted after the all-day cooking and cleaning fest, followed by the shameless gorging. Just sitting here waiting for the effects of the turkey's L-tryptophan to kick in ...

In the meantime, figured I should spend some time thinking about all the good things in my life. As we sat down to dinner tonight, I asked my kids what they were most thankful for, and my seven-year-old daughter replied without missing a beat, "I'm thankful for my family". I thought that was a particularly amazing comment for someone so young, but maybe that's just my mom biased pride colouring my judgement.

So top of the list for me, is of course, my family. I'm surrounded by a bevy of wonderful people within my household, and that's wonderfully reassuring and comforting, even though it can be downright exhausting at times.

I spent all week feeling really awful and ill, so now that I'm feeling almost back to my old self, I guess I'd have to say my good health is also a boon. Touch wood that I remain moderately healthy for a long time. I'm don't make a very good patient. (By the way, thank you to all who read my post and took the time to wish me well).

One thing that amazed me during this past week, was the amount of support I had from people. Some of the moms saw me at school during the drop-off and pick-ups earlier in the week, and commented on my worn-out and pale appearance. Before I knew it, I suddenly had a number of the parents volunteering to drive my kids to and from school. Now, I'm not one who ever asks to be on the receiving end of favours, although I'm very willing to help out most people whenever required, but I actually did take up some of the mothers on their offers after one in particular phoned me several times and insisted that I let her help out because she could see how poorly I was feeling. It was so touching to know that people noticed and cared enough about me to extend themselves. I really do have such extraordinary friends.

One of the greatest things I am most thankful for, is the fact that I'm at a point in my life where I can recognise, appreciate and embrace the good parts of life itself. It sounds fairly trite and trivial, but a decade ago, I don't think I ever really did stop to smell the roses, much less notice them, so I'm glad that I'm able now to see all the small wonderful moments and things that make my day.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Snooze said...

Glad you're back to the land of the living. Great to read about all the offers of help with ferrying your kids to and from school and it's true that you do so much for others that you shouldn't be too proud to take help when it's offered. Hugs sweetie.

EarthMother said...

Thanks Snooze! As I said, it's so great to know that I'm surrounded by fabulous friends like you who make my life so wonderful! Hope things are well with you btw ...

epicurist said...

Sorry to hear you were down with the bug, but glad you're on the mend again. Your daughter is obviously quite insightful and thoughtful. I don't know many kids these days who are as thoughtful.

Greg the Surly said...

I'm thankful for parents like you, who can raise such thoughtful children. with one last serious gesture; I tip my hat.

EarthMother said...

Epicurist: Thanks. And you're right, my daughter is somewhat of an enigma ... probably the most complex and sensitive of my children. She drives us nuts though half the time, but then will follow things up with some incredibly sweet and thoughtful gesture that no other kid would think of.

Greg: Thanks for the uncharacteristically serious comment! The older I get though, I start realising that parents don't really have that much responsibility when it comes to shaping their kids. They come equipped with personalities of their own which would take a freight train to stop.