Thursday, November 24, 2005

Taking a Mental Health Break

I've started up about half a dozen posts in the last few days, but have been unable to actually complete them.

I've been feeling fairly blue, probably because of the weather and because of the imminent anniversary of a friend's suicide. My lengthy and dreary to-do list in the face of feeling immobilised doesn't help matters either. The fact that I feel that I should be blogging, but can't seem to string a coherent or interesting sentence together further exacerbates my feeling like a complete loser.

I'm officially taking a bit of a breather from blogging, but will be checking into each and everyone of your blogs for my amusement. Keep posting and stay warm!


Snooze said...

What a terrible anniversary to have to face. Take some time for yourself - we're not going anywhere.

dantallion said...

Well, damn it all. I just FOUND you.

But I understand the sentiment. Take all the time you need, and do what's right for you. We'll be here when you get back.

EarthMother said...

Sister. Snooze and Dantallion: Thanks so much for the support and kind words. It really did make my day. See you guys soon!

epicurist said...

Baby, rest up. I have been doing the same thing. Writing and saving them as drafts. See you soon!

Greg the Surly said...

I think its going around. Hope your spirits lift soon. Though I don't normally drink, I think I'll be off with Krave to lift a spirits of my own.

EarthMother said...

Epi and Greg: Thanks for the nice wishes. Hope both of you also feel better soon.

Ms. Bees Knees: Welcome oh fabulous one! Sorry to be so utterly boring on your virgin tour, but I need to recharge. Look forward to your next visit!

Lee said...

I hope your sojourn leaves you recharged and as fabulous as ever, hon.

Rick said...

well I've only just found your blog and it's fabulous. I'm looking forward to your return. Loving Led Zeppelin, lose the coldplay though ;-)

EarthMother said...

Lee: Thank you dah-ling. Was hoping you'd bake and send me me a gay pink cake to cheer me up, but I suppose that's asking a bit much on my part ...

Rick: Welcome. Love the pic. Thanks for the compliment. Hopefully I can live up to it in the future. Cheers!