Friday, December 23, 2005

Canadian Priorities

My eldest son recently learned that the hockey season is generally sold out by this point in time, and that one cannot acquire tickets through Ticketmaster (or whichever company it is that sells them).

We have season tickets purchased in partnership with another friend. The majority of the games are sold, but we retain a few tickets to give out to clients or for ourselves.

After absorbing all this information, my son approached me in the kitchen with a few questions. The following is an accurate representation of our conversation.

Son: Are you on the list?

Me: What list?

Son: You know ... the list so that you get tickets every year.

Me: No. The seats aren't in my name.

Son: But that's soooooo bad!

Me: Why honey?

Son: Well, what happens if Daddy dies tomorrow? Then we'll stop getting tickets.

Me: No, the seats are in a company's name.

Son: Oh, that's a relief.

Yes, so your father and I can go ahead and die now because the tickets will still keep coming. My mind is completely at ease now.

N.B. I realise that the above makes my son sound callous and cold-hearted. He is actually quite a thoughtful, loving child and is very attached to both his dad and I. I'm sure when he's sitting at the ACC watching a hockey game, he'll be missing us both very much.


Greg the Surly said...

Of course he will. Who'll buy the goodies from the conession stand.

Snooze said...

heehheeeeheee. Those practicalities are important for kids. My brother R's classic was wondering where he was going to live when he was older and got married (he was about 6 at the time). He got very happy and said to my mum, "Oh you'll be dead and I can live here".

EarthMother said...

Gteg: I'm sure he's currently working on a plan for that.

Snooze: It cracks me up how kids think things through. Wondering if your mom changed her will after that conversation.

epicurist said...

Ummm, not to sound callous, but if you all go off a cliff can I get the tickets? It would just be such a shame for them to go to waste.

EarthMother said...

Epi: FYI I went to my lawyer today and had my will changed to reflect your wishes ...

Sister: My son hasn't started drinking beer yet, but yeah, I think he'd have to agree with you on the analogy of hockey to air.

dantallion said...

LOL - Now THAT's a Canadian lad you can be proud of!