Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Today was the first day of school. My youngest child began grade one. There are just way too many emotions to sort through.

I have a big lump in my throat.


CoffeeDog said...

Aw....that lumpy throat thing doesn't change as they get older either. I remember when My mom said goodbye to me as I boarded a plane headed to BasicTraining - I saw my mother's lip quiver.

First grade! what fun :-)

St. Dickeybird said...

Now I'm smiling.

EarthMother said...

Coffeedog: You're so right -- every milestone that kids reach is tough on parents, moms especially. It's both wonderful and hard to let go of my children.

Dickey: I smiled, too, as I waved good-bye. Then I got in my car, drove down the block and burst into tears!

ink said...

Grade One is somehow really different than kindergarten, isn't it. It's like proper "grown-up" school, with all of the accompanying gifts and challenges that you have to let them sort out for themselves. Sure is rough on the parent though!

I hope your little one had a great first day, with good classmates and a nice teacher and a chair by the window. I hope Teacher reads them "Stewart Little" and that they get to do cool things with water and buckets, they have lots of opportunities to mess around with clay and paint, and many gold stars and happy faces appear on assignments.

I hope your knitting continues to go well (I'm an avid knitting-junkie too, BTW), that you get to read lots of great bedtime stories, and that you too get lots of gold stars and happy faces - 'cause being a Mom is a pretty tough assignment sometimes!

dantallion said...

will you adopt me? Please?

EarthMother said...

Ink: Thanks for the lovely comment -- it made me cry. You were obviously a well-loved child!

Dantallion: Sure sweetie -- I am a big believer in crowds and chaos and so I'm always happy when my household is full of people and I'm feeding them all. You have to promise to bring your cute dog with you, too!

Snooze said...

I hope you took lots of photos of the Golden Child.

CoffeeDog said...

Hey...I want to be adopted too...I have a cute dog that I'll bring, and I'll wash dishes after you cook!

EarthMother said...

Snooze: Tons of pictures. Although since I was stifling tears at the time, my hands shook and they are all out of focus!

Coffeedog: What a deal! How soon can you get here?

Snooze said...

Since I'm taking the Golden Child, Dantallion and CoffeeDog can be replacement kids.

epicurist said...

Aww, that is so sweet. They grow so quickly into little adults don't they? I'm hoping it was a good day with many wonderful stories and experiences!

dantallion said...

so, how did the first day go?

(And the many subsequent days since? Hint hint!) ;)