Thursday, September 01, 2005

I'm Back

God, I feel loved!

I've been off blogging for awhile now mainly because I've been busy enjoying the last days of summer (donning my white pants almost daily since I have less than a week before they have to be retired until next June). Actually I'm in somewhat of denial mode that it will all come to a crashing halt soon and that I will be immersed in the never-ending frenetic routine that is imposed upon me by work, school and my kids' extra-curricular activities. Ugh.

Anyway, getting off that tangent ... I received a couple of emails, MSN messages and phone calls from friends wondering if everything was okay in my life because they've noticed that I haven't posted in awhile. Their concern for me was touching. I was also reassured by the fact that if I died unexpectedly while my husband and children were away, someone would send the police over (hopefully before the awful stench set in) just based on the inactivity level of my blog. Good to know that blogging is good for something other than just an outlet for my venting.

Thanks everyone for caring! Love you all!


Snooze said...

Sweetie, I was concerned that there was some dire cause preventing you from blogging. I can't do without reading your blog. Now get writing!

[okay, I really do love you and care about your well-being too]

EarthMother said...

This from the woman who went on vacation from blogging and left me hanging for days on end!

Snooze said...

Excuse me, but at least I left a note. I didn't just disappear. With you, I was wondering, 'was it something I said? Was it my inane comments? Why won't she blog? I thought she enjoyed blogging...'

EarthMother said...

Snooze: lol ... okay point taken. I promise not to leave you hanging next time.

Sister: Thanks! It's nice to be back among the healthy.