Friday, November 18, 2005

Top Ten Signs You're a Blog-o-holic

This grew out of my rendez-vous with Sensational Snooze last night.

10. You get together with a dear friend who is also a blogger and whom you haven't seen in absolute ages, and spend the night discussing people you've never met (fellow-bloggers) and their posts.

9. You fight over the rights to be the first to blog about a particular event when with another blogger, to the point where after having offered to drive the other blogger home, you then contemplate retracting it so that you beat her home and can then be the first to post your take. (Don't be fooled by all the details here ... it's just a hypothetically based example ... really, it is!)

8. You find yourself obsessively checking your round of blogs and get frustrated when they don't post often enough or fast enough for your liking.

7. Your computer breaks down and you go through hell to get to an internet cafe or some third party computer just so you can keep up with the world of blogging.

6. You find yourself sneaking upstairs to your computer on the pretext of going to the washroom (during dinner) so that you can check and see if bloggers have either posted comments to your latest blog, or they have responded to your comments on their own blogs.

5. After said sneaking upstairs, you tiptoe to the washroom and flush the toilet to cover up what you've really been doing.

4. You find yourself composing your next post about a certain incident, while said incident is still taking place and unfolding.

3. You try to figure out ways to entice more readers to your blog.

2. You feel rejected and pissed off when people you don't even know delink you from their blogger lists.

And the number one sign you're a blog-o-holic is ...

1. You've been nodding your head vigorously in agreement as you read through the above items.


Snooze said...

My name is Snooze and I'm a blogaholic.

You hit the signs dead on. One that I would add is I've known you for 18 years but now I almost find myself saying, "hey EM". Worse, I think nothing of contacting people and saying, "Hi, it's Snooze".

EarthMother said...

Okay, let's all join hands now folks and begin the healing ...
Snooze, what's worse is that I've begun to think of myself as EM ...

Greg the Surly said...

Crap. Met with Krave last night for a chat, and well....Yeah.

Hi, My Name is Greg, and I'm a blog-o-holic.

EarthMother said...

Loud chorus of: Hi Greg!!!! Followed by a round of supportive applause ...

epicurist said...

grrrr...I am still in denial! I like my blogging and don't need any damned intervention thanks!


EarthMother said...

Epi: We are all in denial. Besides which, if we gathered together in a room to "heal", you know that all we'd do is discuss each other's blog.