Friday, December 16, 2005

Bad Blogger

Is blogging like riding a bicycle? (i.e. Is it something you never forget, not does it give you saddle sores). I haven't posted in such a long time, I can't help wondering if I've lost my touch or not.

We've assumed care of this old man who is running the full spectrum of what appears to be dementia. He has been living in our home for the past couple of weeks, and his presence has literally sucked the life out of me. I never thought I'd get to a point where I just couldn't face blogging, but that's what happened. I felt impotent.

Anyway, for those who may have wondered, I am alive and I will be posting shortly. I can't promise that it will be even moderately interesting, but at least it will be one step above the topic of sex with courgettes and the like.


Snooze said...

Above the topic of sex and courgettes? How can you get any higher? We are a very base readership.

Glad to have you back!

dantallion said...

With or without sex and summer squash, we'll take what we can get. :) Post when you can, and most importantly, when YOU feel like it. It should never be a chore.

Snooze said...

Dantallion, Normally i would agree with you about supporting bloggers, but in this case, EM, I know where you live and if you make us wait this long again, I'm coming knocking.

EarthMother said...

Dan and Snooze: Thanks for the love and warmth. Glad you guys didn't give up on me.