Monday, December 05, 2005

Six Degrees of Separation ... from porn, that is

It's Bloody Monday again and only twenty more days until Christmas ... bah humbug! Don't get me wrong ...I love Christmas; I just hate the commercialism that envelops it (but more on that another time).

Anyway, I have this terrible cold ('tis the season) at the moment and feel like crap, so I can't pull it together to write anything witty or brilliant (okay, so when do I ever? But the dreamer can always dream, no?)

I'll leave you all with this thought:

Somehow someone used a search engine for "Japanese transvestites in thigh high boots" and discovered my blog. So now I'm frantically scratching my brain trying to figure out when I've ever talked about trannies or thigh high boots. What a disappointment it must have been for the person to arrive at my site and find such mundane stuff. Which makes me think that maybe I should be spicing it up in here abit ... which means of course that I need to either lie my ass off, or stop editing out the gorier details.


Snooze said...

I knew you'd have the best searches! I LOVE it. That beats the freak that typed 'forced puffy nipples' to get to my blog - not to mention the many who stumble across my blog while searching for 'fucking passed out girls'. Yes, we are disappointing a lot of people out there. Now, when did you blog about trannies?

ps: get well sweetie

EarthMother said...

Snooze: I think I mentioned the possibility of seeing trannies at a black tie event? Can't really remember, so it can't have been all that exciting of a post. It's funny how you can comb over the most innocent of posts and string stuff together to make a porn horny sentence.

St. Dickeybird said...

Japanese transvestites in thigh high boots????

Wow, someone tell Wifey I've got a new Christmas request!

EarthMother said...

Dickey: I'm picturing a chorus line of thong-clad trannies in fishnet hose and mistress boots ... (the thongs are red and fur-trimmed btw). Does that image do anything for you?

St. Dickeybird said...

Not fur-trimmed thongs. Put the trim on the whips!

EarthMother said...

Dickey: Doesn't the fur defeat the purpose then? I mean, being disciplined by a fur trimmed whip would be like trying to hit a billiard ball with a cooked piece of linguine, no?

epicurist said...

"Japanese transvestites in thigh high boots"? How interesting. While we all go to google that, you get better and stay warm. I had a cough/cold for 2 1/2 weeks and am just getting over it all now.

St. Dickeybird said...

No, fur on the handle, and down the shaft!

lol, my verification phrase is frsky!

EarthMother said...

Epi: Of course, I had to wonder if the guy could even tell the difference between a Chinese trannie and a Japanese one. Sorry to hear your recovery has taken so long. Drink hot soup and tea and get better soon!

Dickey: You're obviously way more high maintenance that I gave you credit for! I wonder how my mom would take it if I snipped a piece of her mink coat just to trim a whip?

Ms BK: Princesses in Disney Porn Land? Jeez ... how amazing that we all occupy the same planet.

dantallion said...

"Japanese transvestites in thigh high boots"

Huh. All I ever search for are things like 'cars', or 'books', or 'hardware stores'. Apparently I'm missing out on a great deal.

So I decided, just now, to "gay sexual encounters with farm animals, summer squash, and other seasonal produce". I was amazed - pages and pages of links.

This internet thingy must be a dream come true for anyone having, shall we say, "unusual interests".

Greg the Surly said...

How did you find out what brought them there? I hope its anonymous, er, I mean. strange

epicurist said...

Dantallion, you scare me.

EarthMother said...

Dan: Um ... not to be too picky ... but what exactly is a gay sexual encounter with summer squash? I mean, strictly speaking, how does one know which gender the squash is?

Epi: Ditto.

Greg: Ve haf our vays ...

St. Dickeybird said...

EM: Dan's in Montreal. The French assign a gender to everything. Including squash. If it's a 'gay' encounter, I'd assume that summer squash is masculine.

dantallion said...

StD: Ahahahaha!

And for the record, Summer squash is 'courgette' in French. And it's feminine. Funny that no lesbian sites popped up in that search.

EarthMother said...

Silly me ... I forgot about the French context. (Bad Francophone!) Although ... given that squash is often shaped right for penetration ... hmmm ... gives one pause for thought.
Isn't it funny that without any deep, intellectual or witty comment, I've actually managed to write up a post that has genereated so much discussion?

Snooze said...

Courgette and aubergine are used in Scotland. Without weird gender assignments. That makes them English words as well. I don't know if they are used sexually in Scotland as well. I think they have enough sheep for that purpose.

EarthMother said...

Snooze: Don't the sheep only service the men though? While the courgette and aubergine because of their hsape would naturally lend themselves to the girls?

epicurist said...

Good lord. EM, please come back and start another post where we can comment about not having sex with courgettes....LOL