Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Ain't technology grand?

Just read an article about a robot birth simulator which is in high demand within the North American medical community.

Noelle, the life-sized blonde (of course) high-tech mannequin is used to train professionals in situations surrounding live births. Apparently, she can be programmed for a variety of complications, as well as for cervix dilation. Ultimately, she delivers a plastic doll, which can change colours (pink for healthy glow, blue for oxygen deficiency). Both computerized bots emit "realistic pulse rates and can urinate and breathe". During the birth scenario, according to one doctor "if she is bleeding, there will be ample blood in evidence everywhere".

Wonder who had the honours of knocking up Noelle? Also, curious as to what some of the more desperate staff do with Noelle once she gets off work ...


St. Dickeybird said...

Does she sing "I'm a REAL girl!" and do a little hip-wiggle, too?

EarthMother said...

Dickey: Was wondering if she was a real girl and could simulate an orgasm when necessary ...

St. Dickeybird said...

Now why would anyone care about her orgasm???

EarthMother said...

Dickey: Because it makes a man feel better about himself and his abilities ... even if only falsely so. Think Stepford Wives ...

ink said...

Does she come equipped with realistic sound effects too ("I swear, if you ever TOUCH me again ...)? And what about her robot "significant other" who could collapse in a heap at the sight of all that blood.

BTW, are you sure it's not pink for girls and blue for boys? Just curious!

dantallion said...

It was commander Data. He is programmed in multiple sexual techniques.

epicurist said...

Dantallion ROFL! God this was a funny post! ::wiping tears::

EarthMother said...

Ink: I was thinking that maybe in today's day and age, she was a lesbian and her baby might have been the product of a sperm donor.

Dantallion: How can you tell if Data is having a good time in the sack?

Epicurist: Thanks for the appreciation!

Snooze said...

Sadly, I bet there is some desperately lonely intern banging her between demonstrations.

EarthMother said...

Snooze: That's exactly what I figured. I wondered if Noelle came programmed with the ability to moan and throw in encouraging remarks -- "You're the best", etc.

Snooze said...

EM: Omg, you're one sick woman. No wonder I adore you.