Monday, June 26, 2006

Who are we kidding?

I just love how the fashion world patronises us in an oh-so-obvious way.

It's yesterday's news that on the whole, people are getting larger. Obesity is on the rise and will no doubt reach epidemic proportions within the near future.

I'm lucky in that I've been blessed with a fairly good metabolism. I may have gained about ten pounds within the last few years, but since I'd always been thin I'm now average in weight.

In years past, I was always a size eight, maybe even a ten depending upon whether the garment was cut on the smaller size. I believe I even have some vintage items from my mother that are a size twelve. But now thanks to our expanding waistlines and fashion's transparent attempt to make us think we still look like we are still fourteen years old, I'm a size zero or a two. Do I honestly care so long as I find something that fits me properly and does the job? Apparently though, lots of women do. It's a big thrill for some girls to suddenly find themselves down from size fourteen to a size eight. Enough to make them buy ten pairs of pants just to have that lovely small size tag staring back at them.

Children's clothes are also made much larger. So that we can tell larger children that "look you fit into a size ten tall ... see you're no different than your friends". I guess I can see the point given that eating disorders are also on the rise amongst our pre-teens. It's pretty scary to hear third and fourth graders worrying about calorie intake and fat content. We wouldn't want our girls developing complexes about their bodies, now would we? And yet, we then prance around and happily announce to our girlfriends that we now fit into a teeny size four, so aren't we so thin now?

In the end though, how blind do the fashion moguls think we are, or how much do they think we are willing to fool ourselves? I mean, I know I'm not really a size zero. I'm hardly overweight, but I'm no waif either. And my perfectly average and normally sized eight-year-old daughter isn't "teeny" or "petite" as the salespeople like to crow delightfully. She's just surrounded by a sea of overly large clothes.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet and a larger person by any other hang tag is still going to be faced with her own mirror image at home. Intead of deluding ourselves into thinking we are something we aren't, shouldn't we just learn to love and accept what we are?


St. Dickeybird said...

That's one reason I'm glad to be a guy. Size 32? 32 inches. Size 30? 30 inches.
Unless the company is managed by a typical man, and inch is normally an inch.
(32, by the way)

When I wore women's clothes, I was usually a size 8. Even at a lithe 130lbs, I often found that pretty clothes never came large enough for adults. I once yelled "who the f*** wears a size zero???" at an Urban Behaviour cashier.

Greg the Surly said...

Agree, and its sad on so many levels. Mostly because people buy in to it.

St D: Similar outlook, and we wear the same size clothes.... Thats just crazy!

EarthMother said...

Dickey: When it comes to sizing, I wish I was a guy sometimes. I hate going clothes shopping and I always stand there and look stupid when a salesperson asks me "What size are you?" And it must have been a long time since you wore women's clothing, because now you probably are a size zero!

Greg: You and I and Dickey are probably all the same size. Just think ... if we were roommates, we'd be in each others' closets all the time!

CoffeeDog said...

I don't wear womens clothes, they just aren't practical at all. Pants w/no pcokets, shirts that ride up when you lift your arms, WTF? Dresses and skirts, just not practical at all, and I look like I'm in drag when I weat them. Bleah. Hate girl clothes.

Dickey - what's an Urban Behaviour cashier? I think I know....just wanted to check :-)

EarthMother said...

Coffeedog: Don't hate me because I do wear impractical women's clothing. I went through half of my childhood wearing my brother's hand-me-downs and that was enough of wearing guys' clothes (or at least ones that I don't have sex with) on a regular basis.

St. Dickeybird said...

Coffeedog, UB is a "trendy" late-teenager store. And skirts are kinda nice. There's a refreshing breeze.

Snooze said...

btw - I'm still a size 8. What are you saying??? ;)

EarthMother said...

Snooze: You're a hot babe with a great set of ta-tas.

Greg the Surly said...

Sweet! though I doubt I'd have to worry about anyone wearing my stuff. I'm certain you both have a better grasp of style than I do.