Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's all about you ...

I've been so busy lately and haven't been moved to post at all.

I was at a social gathering on the weekend and a question was asked to the group at large which I still haven't been able to answer yet. Curious and interested enough to poll all you bloggers.

If you had to pick someone famous (and living) to spend one hour with, who would it be and why?


CoffeeDog said...

Can I pick a couple people?

1. Bill Clinton - love to meet him, we think alike politically and we could diss the repubs.

2. Bono - He seems like a nice fellow that does a lot of good in the world.

3. Catherine Deneuve - She's just hot, I could practice my french "on" her LOL.

St. Dickeybird said...

I widdled it down to two:

Tony Visconti - brilliant producer who's brain I'd love to pick

Jenna Jameson - sex, baby, sex.

EarthMother said...

Coffeedog: It's funny because the person who posed the question initially also had Bono as her choice. I guess the big question is if you had to pick only one from your choice of three, who would it be?

Dickey: So the guy for his brain and the girl for his bod, huh? Which desire which you want to satisfy first -- the intellectual one or the sexual one?

St. Dickeybird said...

Oh, or I could just meet Alan Cumming and chat with our mouths full!

Am I starting to sound like a pig yet?

CoffeeDog said...

This reminds me of another similiar query caled "Desert Island Girl" (can substitute guy too)

The question is : If you were stranded on a desert island who would you want to be stranded with?

My answer : Hillary Clinton. She's not bad looking, she's *very* smart, so after the novelty of sex wore off we could have stimulating conversations!

As for your question, who woudl be THE ONE, I'd choose Catherine; I'm feeling shallow today.

Snooze said...

Jules Levine. He runs NATAP, an amazing HIV treatment site, and I'd like to ask him how he manages to write so prolifically.

Greg the Surly said...

GW Bush. I'd like to take him Quail hunting

Snooze said...

Come to think of it, Greg's approach to spending time with the famous is better. I would choose Madonna so that I could make her children orphans for someone to adopt [I guess Guy Ritchie would have to be there too, but that's just a necessary detail]

EarthMother said...

Greg: Take both father and son out. Two for one deal.

Snooze: Who in their right mind would want to adopt Madonna's kids??