Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Walk a mile in my shoes ... or not

Wow, I'm running so far behind in everything! I had a completely packed and busy week last week because of my son's tenth birthday followed immediately by Hallowe'en. Tons of baking went on in my house (I used a total of twenty cups of flour) as well as lots of binging.

I absolutely love Hallowe'en. When I was younger, that day was all about getting candy as my parents never had junk food or sweets in our house, so the 31st was our one day to make a big score and ration it out through the year. As I got older, I think I just got more and more enamoured with the whole idea of getting dressed up and cutting loose that one night. Once I had kids, I think I got off on the process of making the most creative, unique and fun costumes for them.

What is funny is that my kids -- the boys especially -- are not so into trick-or-treating. (This despite the fact that they drive me crazy in the weeks beforehand with the stress of finding or making the perfect costume). I suppose it's because, unlike my childhood household, my cupboards are bursting to the seams with all kinds of goodies and my kids can pick and choose between their treats.

We went trick-or-treating with one of my friends and her two sons who are both best friends with my two sons. Our whole experience didn't last beyond an hour though before our boys were clamouring to go home (die hard candy addict that she is, my daughter wanted to keep going for another hour or two). On our way home, my friend and I both declared loudly that our kids were just way too soft and that "back in our day, we would go trick-or-treating for four hours ... in minus fifteen degree weather ... and uh ... with no shoes ..."

Kids today ... they got it easy!


Snooze said...

Cute! It's not surprising that your daughter was hard core about trick or treating. She has so much spirit. Love it!!!! You have to send me photos of the kids in their costumes.

St. Dickeybird said...

I miss trick-or-treating. Almost as much as I miss those sleazy hallowe'en parties of my 20s.

EarthMother said...

Snooze: I'll send you pics of the kids. J. far outshone her brothers in her outfit -- it was quite a hoot!

Dickey: Do you miss the candy portion of the trick-or-treating or the whole mystique behind the dress-up?

St. Dickeybird said...

I think it was the mystique. I can still buy candy. And I do.